Productivity Driven Agency Management Systems Vs Feature Driven

Productivity Driven Agency Management Systems Vs Feature Driven

For years and years there's only been one type of agency management system written... the feature driven system.

For the vendors it was always all about the features. It goes something like this... "We need notes, we need follow ups, we need attachments," and the vendor with their team start listing out all of the features they need to add.

Features are the foundation to this system.

A typical design would look like this...

It's listing all of the features and then making sure they're added to the system.

Of course there's some basic integration which needed to be done also. 

This is why a feature driven system including accounting can get written and released in 1 to 1 1/2 years. It's just a matter of plugging in the features to the client record.

Almost all also start with just personal line policies. A few have included commercial lines but just the basics to say they offered it. Consistently we hear how weak these systems are in managing commercial lines clients.

Getting a system out onto the market under 2 years is pretty dang impressive. No wonder there's so many systems to choose from now days. At my last count there were 24.

But consistently they have a lot of double entry, are weak in commercial lines and they don't do much to increase the efficiency or productivity in an agency. I know because I've worked on a number of these systems and have talked to agencies on these systems.

Designing A Productivity Driven System

My First Management System.

My first experience with insurance automation was when I wrote a database program for my agency in the mid 1980's. It was a very simple database which included:

  • Client database with their name, address and phone #.
    • I added a "class" field with a pull-down field to choose Customer, Prospect, Suspect, Lead or Dead. This allowed me to filter records for reports, letters and grid queries.
  • Linked a policy database to the clients to track what policies they purchased. It just captured the main policy fields and not the coverages.
  • It tracked premiums and commissions allowing us to use the system to pay out commissions to the producers.
  • It had a report module where I created all kinds of reports.
  • It had a letter writer which merged data from the databases into the letter allowing me to write personalized letters.

I learned "relational" databases very quickly, and fell in love with the efficiency an automation system offered our agency!

I share more about this part of my history else where. Let's move on.

Since 1989 when I went into consulting working with agencies on their marketing and automation I had one objective and outcome where automation was concerned... to increase the agencies productivity allowing them to do more work in less time to spend more time on marketing and bringing on new clients.

By 1992, helping agencies increase their productivity became my full-time role, and because nothing can do more to help an agency increase its productivity than the right automation I became an expert in agency automation and agency management systems. For 30 years increased productivity has been my focus, and likewise, what I strived hard to master! 

As I worked on different management systems it became very obvious management systems were not created equal. Oh sure, they all had client databases, notes, follow ups and so forth, but between...

  • Their design, 
  • How you maneuvered through the system, 
  • How many windows you had to go through to do your job, and 
  • How much double entry there was...

...they were very different. These are the top differences, there are more.

For years I made recommendations to different vendors on how to make their management system more productive. Unfortunately, the most common response I got was, "Our table structures won't support that suggestion."

It became very clear how important the table structures are.

Designing & Having CP Manager Written.

Key point...

When building a productivity driven system the approach is completely different.

Rather than listing all of the features needed you instead map out the workflow steps for handling policy tasks and all of the actions/steps involved in the task.

Take handling an endorsement, for example. You list out the steps to process the endorsement to include the different options. For example, the workflow and process is different if you're downloading with the carrier versus not downloading, or whether you have binding authority or not. These differences need to be addressed.

For each step in the workflow you're listing the feature needed and how it will be used (very important). By understanding how it's used as part of workflow it allows you to re-engineer this feature to create a more fluent and productive solution.

The point is, blue-printing a productivity driven system is based upon how an agency would use the system step by step, policy task by policy task (ie, Renewal, Endorsement, Cancellation, Claim, etc.) and what work agency staff need to stay on top of so things don't slip through their fingers.

A productivity system is all about how an agency would actually use the system, not on what features they need. Features are added to a productivity system based upon their being needed to support a workflow or task.

I spent 1 1/2 years blue-printing CP Manager alone. This was 12 hour days 6 days, sometimes 7 days a week. It was a massive job!

You wouldn't believe everything I did to create the blueprints to include using a database program to strategize table structures. This is because I learned very quickly as a consultant the importance of table structures, and I knew that once you started adding clients to the system you have to lock down your table structures.

By the time I was done I had mapped out the flow of data in the system to eliminate almost all double entry creating one of the most single-entry systems on the market, and I had created a system built around how you do your work to create a more efficient, more productive and a more insurance specific system. This in part means less steps, less windows and less data-entry.

This isn't all. When designing CP Manager it was all based upon workflows and how work is processed creating a more intuitive and common-sense workflow. Considering all of the systems on the market are feature driven and not workflow or productivity based, there was no model to follow.

With no examples or models to follow this made the task of blue-printing and having CP Manager written that much more difficult and time-consuming. However, I was blessed to have had over 25 years of agency experience helping agencies to be as productive as they could, and having a strong background in both agency automation and in writing database programs.

I could never have achieved what I did with CP Manager if I hadn't had my programming background. It's true, table structures are everything... they're the key to how data flows and how you design the system!

Designing and having the system written based upon workflows and how a person actually uses the system created another challenge... programmers are not taught to write software this way! They're taught to create "feature driven" systems forcing me to work extremely closely with the programming team and micro-managing them because I was also changing their approach to programming. (By the way, the programming teams all said learning what I taught them on how to write more productive software programs was the #1 thing they appreciated by working with me.)

In the end, to create the results I was after I ended up:

  • Re-engineering Notes
  • Re-engineering Follow Ups
  • Re-engineering Attachments
  • Building correspondence into the system (email, faxing and letters)... you're going to love how integrated they are
  • Re-engineering client management
  • Re-engineering policy management
  • Re-engineering renewal management
  • Re-engineering endorsement management
  • We added over 30 features new to the management system

... and we did a lot of other things with the focus on increased productivity. (Just wait until you see what we did with Notes, Follow Ups, Attachments, Correspondence, etc... it's mind-blowing!)

There were a lot of examples of how to add these features to the system, but none of these features in other systems were designed for a productivity driven system. This is why I ended up re-engineering all of these features... to support the productivity driven system.

Agencies call CP Manager the "most insurance specific systems they've ever experienced".

It took over 8 years to write CP Manager, plus the 1 1/2 years of blue-printing. Using it and seeing how intuitive and fluent it is, experiencing how single-entry it is and how everything flows so smoothly, and seeing everything you can do with minimal keystrokes, I smile from ear to ear.

It's feature rich, that's for sure, but more importantly it's extremely productive. We clearly achieved what I was after when designing and having CP Manager written.

I'm very proud of CP Manager.

CP Manager is advancing the agency management system from being feature driven to finally being productivity and workflow driven. This advancement is long overdue!

The creation of CP Manager is the biggest re-engineering and overhaul of the agency management since they went from accounting based to client/policy driven in the 1980's.

What's frustrating about this is the insurance industry has always been workflow driven and we've had client based agency automation since the early 80's, but building a system based upon workflows took 40 years with CP Manager being the first

Since the last big change in management systems in the 1980's the only big changes have been going from DOS to windows (this didn't change their design, it only changed the operating environment), then from windows to browser based (again, this didn't change their design, it only changed the operating environment).

I believe you will be very impressed when you have a walk-through of it.

If you want to learn more about the process to get CP Manager written, and want to learn more about the design of management systems you can request an informational piece I wrote called, "Agency Management Systems Are Not Created Equal". In case you're curious, I also address why no other vendor has been able to create a productivity driven system.

Schedule a Walk-Through now and experience CP Manager yourself.

CP Manager Upgrades Summer 2022

CP Manager Upgrades Summer 2022

August 31, 2022 - The summer of 2022 has been another busy 3 months for Agency AutomationTEAM. We added 5 important accounting updates this summer.

Here I'm just going to provide a very quick overview of each. For a detailed explanation schedule a walk-through with your account manager. If you don't have CP Manager yet fill out the form to the right to start the process of learning about how much time and money CP Manager will save you.

Commission AL3 Downloading

Commission downloading streamlines your DB commission statement management with DB Reconciliation.

But we took it a step further by giving you the option in setup to also create the producer commission when the AL3 Commission file is processed and converted to a Billing Transaction (many systems call this an invoice). It will create a producer commission for Producer 1 on the policy and will use the producers commission setup for the producers commission % (what we've done for managing producer commissions is a far more efficient and huge time saver). 

Along with Commission Downloading we've added the following 2 additional features...

Commission Download Log

Here you're only seeing some of the fields available. Scroll right for the rest.

This shows you the status of the Commission AL3 downloads... Processed, Orphan, Error. You'll see all of the files in the image ended up in Orphans, meaning, it couldn't find the policy to link to.

Once you process it from the Orphan window it will update the status to Processed.

You can also create a filter so you can see just the downloaded files associated to a specific date to make sure they equal what you were sent (compare to online/paper statement).

Commission Orphan Management

Here you are processing your Commission downloads which orphaned out. You need to first find the policy associated to this commission download. You can select by Client first, then choose a policy for the selected client; or you can enter the policy # which auto-populates the client. You also need to select the Section for the policy because each download is policy section specific.

The process is very easy and very fast.

When processing a Commission download line-item it creates a B-Tran. You can also have it create the producer commissions by turning this option on at Download Setup.

DB Commission Management Window

We have a client with 60 users who have huge commission statements. Processing their commission statement was a longer process than they wanted it to be. It's not that our DB Reconciliation wasn't very powerful and efficient, it's that there were a lot of different steps which after a conversation with them Mr. Chesnut blueprinted another window to streamline the Commission Statement management.

The agency and Mr. Chesnut had numerous conversations so Mr. Chesnut was very clear on their steps to pinpoint areas where the process could be greatly improved. The end conclusion is the DB Commission Management Window. The agency says this cut their time by a good 50% if not more. This window has proven to be a huge time saver!

There's a lot of very powerful functionality here! Ask to see this in a Walk-Through. It will cut the time you spend processing your DB Commission Statements way down!

The grid in the image is only showing half of the fields on the grid. You'll see you can scroll to the right to see the other half.

Quick B-Tran (Billing Transaction)

To support a much faster way of processing a DB commission statement Mr. Chesnut also blueprinted a quick B-Tran window to create a much faster way of adding a B-Tran which hasn't been added to the system yet (wasn't downloaded or added by user). It's just one window with everything available by scrolling up and down the page. 

It starts by either starting by choosing the Client and then policy, or by entering the policy number which auto-populates the client...

A B-Tran is linked to a policy and pulls information from the policy into the B-Tran. Once you've made your selection from above window the one page B-Tran opens up...

The group "B-Tran Basics" pulls from the policy.

The "Basics" group you finish filling out just like a regular B-Tran.

The "Producer" group you finish filling out like a regular B-Tran. You can add commissions to 2 producers/staff for this line item from here. When done, click "Add" and it adds the information to the Grid below the Add button..

The grid shows you the core information for the line item. If there's a producer commission for the line item there will be an arrow to the left of the Action button you click to open up the producer commissions to see who's being paid what. You can also add another producer commissions here if needed.

Now you scroll back up to "Basic" group and add another line item if needed, like a tax or a fee. Or if this is a package policy with more than one section you can add the line item for the next section of the policy.

All on one page. Very fast, very easy.

By the way, we added the ability to use the Quick B-Tran window from additional places in CP Manager... the Policy, the B-Tran window and from Global B-Trans. Our users are loving us!


We continue to make improvements, tweak and add new features to CP Manager. Next to be released is our Workflow Task Manager in the next couple of months. This is a feature which will blow you away!

CP Manager Adds Commission Downloading

CP Manager Now Offers Commission Downloading

August 31, 2022 - By popular demand, we've added Commission AL3 Downloading! Making sure you get paid and producers are paid just got a whole lot easier, and much faster. It's another task which is automated saving you from needing to do it.

Here I'm just going to provide a very quick overview of each. For a detailed explanation schedule a walk-through with your account manager. If you don't have CP Manager yet fill out the form to the right to start the process of learning about how much time and money CP Manager will save you.

Commission AL3 Downloading

Commission downloading streamlines your DB commission statement management with DB Reconciliation.

But we took it a step further by giving you the option in setup to also create the producer commission when the AL3 Commission file is processed and converted to a Billing Transaction (many systems call this an invoice). It will create a producer commission for Producer 1 on the policy and will use the producers commission setup for the producers commission % (what we've done for managing producer commissions is a far more efficient and huge time saver). 

Along with Commission Downloading we've added the following 2 additional features...

Commission Download Log

Here you're only seeing some of the fields available. Scroll right for the rest.

This shows you the status of the Commission AL3 downloads... Processed, Orphan, Error. You'll see all of the files in the image ended up in Orphans, meaning, it couldn't find the policy to link to.

Once you process it from the Orphan window it will update the status to Processed.

You can also create a filter so you can see just the downloaded files associated to a specific date to make sure they equal what you were sent (compare to online/paper statement).

Commission Orphan Management

Here you are processing your Commission downloads which orphaned out. You need to first find the policy associated to this commission download. You can select by Client first, then choose a policy for the selected client; or you can enter the policy # which auto-populates the client. You also need to select the Section for the policy because each download is policy section specific.

The process is very easy and very fast.

When processing a Commission download line-item it creates a B-Tran. You can also have it create the producer commissions by turning this option on at Download Setup.


We continue to make improvements, tweak and add new features to CP Manager. Next to be released is our Workflow Task Manager in the next couple of months. This is a feature which will blow you away!

How to Learn More About CPM Systems

Not to be confused with CRM, corporate performance management (CPM) software defines and manages the strategies that companies need to monitor their business activities. Your CPM software helps to create methodologies and processes that will eventually be implemented. This can facilitate the ability to track key performance indicators (KPIs) for corporations.

Who Uses CPM?

Although oftentimes CPM software is only deployed by accounting departments to analyze financial performance, it can be implemented across all corporations. It can be used by managers and executives, or anyone responsible for improving the business performance of a company.

Accounting Professionals

Using CPM is helpful to monitor financial performance. You can use CPM to improve performance by comparing budgets, expenses, and revenue in real-time. It can also be used to forecast.

Department Managers

Tracking the business performance of each department is made possible with a CPM. Because each department has specific goals, the metrics must be aligned with this. CPM also allows managers to understand how their department affects other departments.


When it comes to strategic planning and overseeing performance, executives must find the details on metrics and transactions that directly affect overall performance. CPM facilitates that.

What Does a CPM Do?

CPM systems help to consolidate different types of business information, whether that is financial, operational, IT, sales, and more. All information regarding departments of a corporation can be found in a CPM.

This is why a CPM needs to integrate with software products. Whether these are ERP systems, CRM software, supply chain, and logistics software, or, of course, accounting software. If you are looking to mitigate risks, then integration with governance, risk, and compliance software is essential as well.

What Qualifies a Corporate Performance Management System?

There are a few factors that lead to the qualification of a corporate performance management system:

  1. Deliver standard KPIs for different departments: This should include finance, manufacturing, accounting, sales, and IT at the very least.
  2. Align corporate objectives with plans: All operational and business processes should be aligned to achieve company goals.
  3. Strategic planning and management tools: This might include something such as balance scorecards to evaluate your achievements.
  4. Forecast changes: Operational metrics are essential to a successful corporation, which means that your CPM software must suggest corrective actions.
  5. Data automation: Whether that is in terms of the collection or management of data, you will need to monitor performance overall. This might include workflows, automated tasks, and processes for performance tracking.
  6. Distribute reports: Including the generation and distribution of key corporate KPIs.

Why Use CPM?

There are many reasons why you might want to use a CPM for your corporation. The first is that it offers a single source of truth regarding performance. You can also work to align your business with objectives and goals. Finally, it helps to plan for the future. With strategic planning and contingency plans, you will be prepared for anything.

Learn More from Agency Automation Team

Learn all about Insurance Agency Management from Agency Automation Team. With easy steps to follow and information to walk you through, it has never been easier.

How Does a CP Management System Work?

So, you’ve gone through the research and sat through several hours worth of the webinars. You know your questions and your needs around an agency management system and you’re ready to start using one. Even better, you’ve decided that the Agency Automation Team’s CP Manager is the system you’re going to use. But how does it work? Is it right for my insurance management system? Where do I start? What are other people saying about CP Manager? We’ll take a look at the features of the CP Manager and how to get started below.

Productivity Minded

CP Manager is one of the few systems that’s got productivity in mind and at the forefront of the work it does. It was designed to put productivity, and results, first. This means a complete overhaul of the traditional agency management system which focused on operations and overall passive goals. This is about daily productivity and what you can be doing now to make your business grow.


CP Manager has some great features. There’s re-engineered client management, a feature that allows you to view client activities, unlimited client contacts, more thoroughly integrated notes and attachment features, eSignatures for online document signing and verification, an open client detail record, up to 12 user defined fields, claims management, service tools, built in correspondence, document management systems, and a lot more.

Focus on Freedom

CP Manager wants to be your go-to only system for running your business. That means more freedom when it comes to looking through your client records and claims. It also means building in features into this one system so you don’t have to hunt across the internet to find a web of systems that may or may not integrate with each other, to get your job done. CP Manager can be your operational headquarters, your CRM, your archives, and a whole lot more.

How To Start

The best way to start is to dive into one of CP Manager’s informative webinars on the system and your needs it fulfills. There’s several replays that can give you an overview of what the system is designed for, how you can leverage it, and how it works at a broad level. Then, sign up for our emails to stay up-to-date on information and trends, any changes, and software updates. Next, schedule a one-on-one walk through where you’ll receive a demo of the system as it pertains to your business’s specific needs. Take the seven day Test Drive in the system to ensure it’s right for you and then finally set up your implementation and onboarding of the new system.

CP Manager is the only insurance agency management system you need. It’s got so many features built in and your productivity in mind. Take a tour, do your research, try it out, and get started with using CP Manager to manage your agency with the Agency Automation Team today. Contact us to set up an appointment or let us answer any questions you may have.

CP Manager Was Designed By Insurance Automation Consultant Mr. Chesnut

Bradley Chesnut, President
Bradley Chesnut, President

Bradley Chesnut: Founder, System Designer & President

An Insurance Automation Consultant With 25 Years Of Experience Working With Agency Management Systems Who's Also An Expert In Productivity Strategies And Workflows Is Who Designed CP Manager

Bradley Chesnut has spent the better part of 30 years working hand-in-hand with agencies helping them to increase the staff’s productivity by teaching proper workflows, productivity strategies and how to more efficiently use their agency management system. What he found over and over again was the agency management system the agency was using was the biggest culprit for hindering the agencies productivity.

This is because the workflow steps agencies follow to handle policy tasks are all based upon the design of their management system since the task is being handled with their management system! 

With a passion for helping agencies create measurable results with their automation he finally got fed up with the other vendors and concluded that if vendors don’t even teach productivity strategies and workflows then how can they build these elements into their systems. Good point, don’t you think?

To provide this industry with a management system built around workflows and productivity strategies to help you create a highly productive agency he took on the monstrous job of designing and having an agency management system written… CP Manager is being recognized as the easiest, most productive, most “insurance specific” system ever designed. Everyone is loving the price too.

To learn more about CP Manager fill out the form to the upper right and we’ll send you a link to a page with a ton of information about CP Manager. Everyone tells us, “The more time we spend checking out CP Manager and start seeing how thoroughly integrated this system is, how single-entry it is, how easy it is to use and start experiencing everything it can do the more impressed we get.

Never before has an agency management system been designed by an insurance automation consultant. To learn more about why this is so significant read the article, “By Agents For Agents“.

CP Manager Is 25 Years In The Making

CPManager h

CP Manager Is Not A New System. It’s 25 Years In The Making!

CP Manager has been the creation of 25 years of experience if you only include my years in this business. There is more experience and more knowledge behind the CP Manager than any othersystem to ever be introduced to the market place.

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Skeptical CSR’s Test Drive CP Manager

Strategic Review Of System From Group Of Skeptical CSR’s

This week I had a group of skeptical CSR’s jump into the system to give me their feedback on it. I wanted to see how well I was doing at creating an easy-to-use system that’s flexible and powerful.

Let me share a little bit about this group of CSR’s and my strategically having them test drive the system…

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