Should My Agency Automation Team Have a Facebook?

It is the 21st century and as such you need to rethink the way you’ve been doing agency work to best reflect the abilities you have in the digital age. Using old or outdated systems or still working off business practices from 10 years ago or more is not going to be enough anymore. You need an agency management system that understands the demands and abilities of work and life in the year 2020 and beyond. You also need a digital presence that can elevate the work you’re doing and keep your agency as productive as possible.

CP Manager is the solution. Not only have we painstakingly designed a system that was handcrafted for the work your agency does on a daily basis, but we have savvy other systems and other companies. We utilize all possible digital channels and social media to get you the best possible product and to reach you in the best possible way.

Belief in Progress

Insurance and the way we handle it has changed a lot since the first insurance agency started. The way we package policies, determine risk, onboarding clients into systems all has changed and all requires very prudent digital progress. We maximize this through use of social media to stay in constant contact with our customers and ensure you get the best service.

Facebook and other social media are not just a place to post pictures and share events. They’re a way to stay in contact and in the know about your industry and about the needs of customers and clients. It’s a communication tool for us and a sign that we know what we’re talking about when we talk about the need for forward thinking, digital oriented solutions to problems.

What We Offer

This 100% paperless system was designed with your agency and your needs in mind. Not only does it integrate with email systems to offer extensive email correspondence, e Signatures, and other electronic forms of communication, we internact all internal messaging as well to make your office as eco friendly and paperless as you could want. This is among the easiest systems to learn and use (we have our extensive beta testing to thank for that), the most powerful for multi-agent organizations, and among the most impactful when it comes to productivity in the workplace.

Find Out More

Visit our AutomationTEAM Facebook page to understand why we are among the best of the best when it comes to making sure you have a digital, progressive, hi-tech management system for your agency. Get everything you can out of your system along with 24/7 support and the best and easiest software you can imagine for your agency.

Submit for more information and book a demo for our product as well. You won’t regret it and you’ll have your mind blown by the effectiveness of our software.