How Will Insurance Agency Management Systems Benefit Me?

If you are reading this article, you’re probably wondering if a management system might just be what your insurance company needs. Maybe you’re starting fresh and new or maybe you already have an existing system that you’re quickly outgrowing. Whatever the reasons may be, we’ve got you covered.

At AAT, we have dedicated ourselves to providing the best management system for our customers and their clients. Let’s look at how Insurance Agency Management Systems can benefit you and your business.

What is an Agency Management System?

You should know what an Agency Management System (AMS) is and how it works. In layman terms,  AMS technology can stand alone or work with your Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, software to organize your clients and their policies. It can help you track commissions and business analytics. It can work to keep records of and maintain your customer database and contacts list as well as improve marketing and sales efforts in these areas. These things will allow you to monitor the sales performance of your agency. AMS technology is usually specific to a certain insurance niche, like health and life or casualty and property. In most cases, you should be able to customize the program to fit your business needs. AMS can be implemented across all branches of your insurance company or you can utilize it on a case-by-case basis.

You also should be asking yourself where you’d like your company to be in 5 years. How about 10 years? Or 15 years? Choosing a system that meets all or most of your goals, needs and wants are of utmost importance. Take your time evaluating what exactly it is your business needs and what it will take to get you to meet your goals. You want this system to be able to grow with your company.

What to Look for in a Vendor

After you’ve looked at your goals, needs and wants, it’s time to start shopping around looking for the best system that will match what you’re looking for in a management system. There are several questions you should ask of potential vendors, such as:

  • Are they a legitimate company?
  • Do they have adequate support?
  • Is their software secure and reliable?
  • Who owns the data?
  • Will they help you implement the new system?
  • Do they help train you and your employees?

It may seem like there are a lot of questions that have yet to be answered. But, these questions are important. By asking these questions, you will get a better idea of what the vendor is really all about. You may want to find someone that will be a good all around fit for your team. You’ll be working closely with them so it’s important that you know their background and the company history as well.

Once you’re ready to get started with your new Insurance Agency Management Systems, visit us at AAT for more information and a walk-through of our systems and programs.