Vlog 1 – Introduction

Vlog 1 – Introducing My Video Logs…

This is my first video log (vlog). Here I’m introducing myself, giving you a summary of my experiences and expertise’s, and I’m discussing what kind of content I’ll be sharing.

Keep in mind, this is my first video log. I made mistakes, I need to work on the lighting (it’s not bad but could be better), I learned that when I put my hand down too hard on the desk you can hear a “thump” in the video and I learned numerous other things which will allow me to continue making even better vlogs.

My objective is to have fun, help you get to know me better, share a lot of information on a lot of different topics, explain to you what it really takes to develop a world-class agency management system and much more. Keep in mind, I’ve been working with agencies since 1989 helping them create a productive and profitable agency. After 30 years, I have a lot to share!

Here’s the first vlog. I hope you enjoy it…