CP Manager Was Designed By Insurance Automation Consultant Mr. Chesnut

Bradley Chesnut, President
Bradley Chesnut, President

Bradley Chesnut: Founder, System Designer & President

An Insurance Automation Consultant With 25 Years Of Experience Working With Agency Management Systems Who's Also An Expert In Productivity Strategies And Workflows Is Who Designed CP Manager

Bradley Chesnut has spent the better part of 30 years working hand-in-hand with agencies helping them to increase the staff’s productivity by teaching proper workflows, productivity strategies and how to more efficiently use their agency management system. What he found over and over again was the agency management system the agency was using was the biggest culprit for hindering the agencies productivity.

This is because the workflow steps agencies follow to handle policy tasks are all based upon the design of their management system since the task is being handled with their management system! 

With a passion for helping agencies create measurable results with their automation he finally got fed up with the other vendors and concluded that if vendors don’t even teach productivity strategies and workflows then how can they build these elements into their systems. Good point, don’t you think?

To provide this industry with a management system built around workflows and productivity strategies to help you create a highly productive agency he took on the monstrous job of designing and having an agency management system written… CP Manager is being recognized as the easiest, most productive, most “insurance specific” system ever designed. Everyone is loving the price too.

To learn more about CP Manager fill out the form to the upper right and we’ll send you a link to a page with a ton of information about CP Manager. Everyone tells us, “The more time we spend checking out CP Manager and start seeing how thoroughly integrated this system is, how single-entry it is, how easy it is to use and start experiencing everything it can do the more impressed we get.

Never before has an agency management system been designed by an insurance automation consultant. To learn more about why this is so significant read the article, “By Agents For Agents“.