CP Manager Is Not A New System. It’s 25 Years In The Making!

CP Manager has been the creation of 25 years of experience if you only include my years in this business. There is more experience and more knowledge behind the CP Manager than any othersystem to ever be introduced to the market place.

Never has a management system be introduced with the level of experience and understanding of agency automation, agency management systems, workflows and productivity strategies than CP Manager. We’d even go so far as to say that there are still a lot of vendors after 5 years of being in business that don’t have the experience we have.


Not at all. Just stating facts.

Our President has already been involved and was a key player to helping two other agency management systems go from startup to being a main player in the market place. He was there as they grew, as they learned the short comings of their system, learned what was truly important to their clients (most new vendors get this wrong), learned through trial and error many key facets to running an agency management system company, and much more.

Along with this, our President has worked with a lot of different management systems helping agencies to use their system more efficiently. Keep in mind, workflows are workflows so having this opportunity to work on so many other systems showed him each systems strengths and weaknesses when it comes to processing work.

The one consistent thing he learned with each system he worked on is management systems were not designed for increased productivity. They were simply designed to offer key features that allowed you to do your core job and offer additional pieces of automation to help the agency. But when it came to workflows and processing your work, they all drop the ball bad! Add to this the massive learning curve agency staff had because of the systems not being designed around how they process their work and you quickly understand the huge problem here. Trying to teach an agency how to massively increase their productivity in a system not designed for this caused automation consultant Bradley Chesnut many frustrations over the years.

Because of our extensive background with agency management systems, it’s been said our first release will be like another systems version 4 or 5. Check out CP Manager yourself and you’ll see what we mean. Schedule a walk-through of CP Manager today and see how CP Manager will help you get your workload under control and help all of your staff get a lot more work done each day. It’s impressive, to say the least.

Schedule your walk-through now.